Thursday, 17 April 2014

how to create own parallax website using jquery

Hi to all, this is my first post about parallax website,
I just share with you what i know about parallax and how will implement that,

what is Parallax

parallax website move objects for example images, text, etc.., based on user scroll web page

I just searched about parallax website on more  websites , there have most jquery plugins,

my sugestion is we can also create own parallax website using simple jquery,

follow html , css and js code for parallax website



 <div id="section1"><h1>section1</h1></div>
 <div id="section2"><h1>section2</h1></div>
 <div id="section3"><h1>section3</h1></div>


*{ margin: 0; padding: 0;}
 #section1{ width: 100%; height: 650px; background: url("");}
 #section2{ width: 100%; height: 650px; background: url("");}
 #section3{ width: 100%; height: 650px; background: url("");}
 h1{ color: chartreuse; text-align: center; line-height: 650px;} 
 #section2 h1{ color: #fff;}

if we change backgorund position as based on scroll value then automatically scroll image as parallex


<script src=""></script>
 $( window ).scroll(function() {
 var val = $(window).scrollTop();
 $("#section1").css({"background-position":"-"+val*2+"px 50%"});
 $("#section2").css({"background-position":"50% -"+val*2+"px"});
 $("#section3").css({"background-position":val*2+"px 50%"}); });


see demo on jsfilddle: Click Here Demo